Monday, June 2, 2014

Using Data

There are many opportunities I have had, as an educator, to use specific data when making instructional decisions.  One of them is with the results from MAP Testing (Measures of Academic Process).  This test is an excellent way to find out where each of your individual students fall academically.  According to the Northwest Evaluation Association, (2014) “MAP helps you pinpoint—to the goal—strand level—where your students are ready to advance, and where they need help” (para. 2).  There are many different subjects that can be assessed with MAP.  Personally, I am most familiar with testing in Reading, Writing, and Math.  Our students took these three tests three times a year; in the beginning, middle, and end of the year.  The testing was spread out for the whole school among two weeks.  Each session takes anywhere from 20-60 minutes, depending on the student.  Unlike high stakes testing, MAP testing is only administered to receive data, rather than competition.

The results from MAP testing can benefit the school in many different ways.  For one, it helps students set goals (NWEA, 2014).  These goals not only motivate the students, they also help the students feel accountable for their own success.  This accountability may encourage them to become a more active role in their learning.  Second, it helps teachers differentiate instruction (NWEA, 2014).  Teachers can achieve this with scaffolding, grouping, and intervention.  By leveling and grouping students according to their abilities, they are able to succeed and feel good about it.  Finally, schools can use the MAP results to predict other high stakes testing results, such as end-of-the-year state testing.  By doing this, they are able to not only predict the results, but, hopefully, aim for higher results by the end of the year.  

Technology is essential in this process of gathering data, as the students take the tests on computers.  In addition, the computer provides many other important functions.  For one, the computer grades and provides the results.  This provides the teacher with much more instructional time.  Second, the computer saves the results from previous times taken.  This way the student and educators can look at the students’ progress.  Finally, the computer can print out graphs and pie charts to also show the students’ growth.  This visual piece is very important for the educator to see as well as the student.  When the student can see their progress, they feel successful and proud of themselves. 
Although MAP testing is generally thorough, additional data may be required.  For example, I have seen some children speed through the testing without even trying.  The results from these instances will not be accurate and either the student must do it again, or another test must be given.  I have also seen inaccurate results due to behavior.  For example, if a student is having a bad day, he or she may not receive accurate results.  It is important during these instances that the test be given on another day.  Another way additional data may be needed is if the student requires assistance to complete the test.  For example, if the student cannot read, the teacher may have to read the text for him or her during the writing and math sections.  Other students may need you to point to the question, help with answer selections, and or just keep them on track.  In any of these instances, testing may need to be ceased, re-given, or a different test may need to be administered.


Brown, A. (2014). MAP testing. Retrieved June 2014, from,
Northwest Evaluation Association. (2014). Help all kids learn. Retrieved June 2014, from,