Monday, May 26, 2014

Technology Integration

     Integrating technology into everyday curriculum is necessary in today’s classrooms.  It engages your students, prepares them for later life, and makes unimaginable things possible.  As a new teacher, it may be confusing to know where to start when thinking of technology integration.  One resource for determining where you stand with technology is the Technology Integration Matrix (Florida Center, n.d.).  This scale represents five areas of integration: Active, Collaborative, Constructive, Authentic, and Goal Directed.  Each area has a scale to determine the level of integration: Entry, Adoption, Adaption, Infusion, and Transformation.  The Entry level is the beginning stage of integration and Transformation is the most advanced. 

     As an aspiring teacher, my thinking on integration also falls somewhere on the Matrix.  I believe that at this point of my education, I fall mostly on the Adaptation level of integration (Florida Center, n.d.).  This level of integration is in the middle of the Technology Integration Matrix scale.  In this level, the students have the option to work independently with technology.  In addition, they use technology to construct meaning.  The teacher, in this level, chooses what technology the students use and guides them in their technology use.  The setting, in this level, makes technological tools readily available for the students and uses the technology regularly to build concepts.

     There are many reasons why I consider myself towards the Adaptation level of the Matrix.  For example, in the Active area, I usually choose which technology my students use such as what device, program, or media selection.  As far as collaboration, I always encourage my students to work together with technology.  Examples of this include projects, presentations, or just pairing.  In the constructive area, I use the integration of technology to help build concepts.  For example, I may use a specific app or a program to teach a math concept.  In the Authentic area, I purposely integrate technology and although I may direct the use of a specific device, I allow the students to use it independently.  In the Goal Directed area, I help my students use technology independently to set goals.  An example of this is  This website teaches concepts to students, allows them to work at their own pace, and keeps a record of their progress.  Although my position on the integration of technology falls towards the middle of the matrix, I would like to advance my level as my experience grows.  I plan to do this by advocating for funds, applying for grants, and continuing my knowledge base on technology.


Florida Center for Instructional Technology. (n.d.). Technology Integration Matrix. Retrieved from

vbaviatorproductions. (2012). The New Basics: Classroom Technology. [Video File]. Retrieved May 2014, from,

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